
PAPod 529 - Embracing the Imperfect Journey: A New Year's Reflection

PreAccident Investigation Podcast

The Pre Accident Podcast is an ongoing discussion of Human Performance, Systems Safety, & Safety Culture.

Show Notes

In this episode of the Pre-Accident Investigation Safety Podcast, Todd Conklin reflects on the start of 2025 and the podcast's 11th year. He shares insights from a recent vacation and discusses the evolving priorities that come with age. Todd emphasizes the importance of valuing incremental improvement over the elusive goal of perfection, invoking a memorable Voltaire quote to set the tone for the new year.

The episode delves into the complexities of redefining success in organizational safety, challenging the widely-held notion of 'target zero.' As Todd guides listeners through this thought-provoking conversation, he highlights the significance of monitoring progress and appreciating the 'good' that occurs in everyday operations. Join the discussion on how to navigate the path toward improvement in an imperfect world, setting the stage for a meaningful and balanced year ahead.

Show Transcript


00:00:00.017 --> 00:00:04.097
Hello, everybody. Did you miss me? I had a little teeny vacation.

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It was sweet. It was really fun. I had a great time.

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And now it all starts again. We'll be right back.

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Hey everybody, Todd Conklin, Pre-Accident Investigation Safety Podcast. How are you?

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Man, it's 2025. Can you believe it? Yeah, I know. It's unbelievable.

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And it's exciting to be with you.

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I'm looking forward to another year of joy. This is our 11th year of the podcast.

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I don't know what that means, but I mean, that's, I don't know if I've done anything for 11 years.

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Seriously, that's not really true. I mean, that's, no, I had my job for a long time.

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I didn't intend to have my job for a long time. When I took my job,

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I remember thinking, I'll keep this three years, five at the max, at the max.

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And in many, many, many, many years past that deadline, I still had the job.

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So I guess I do have some commitment issues, but also some commitment potential.

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So I'm like two sides of the same coin.

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That's me. That's the depth I have. But no, 11 years on the podcast is kind of crazy.

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And it's been really a very fun ride.

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And this year promises to be just as exciting as a ton of other ones.

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I mean, I already have like really interesting stuff happening.

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Like I'm going to record a really interesting one this week that I can't even

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wait to get on board and play for you guys.

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I mean, that's how exciting my life is. And the holidays were great for me,

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and the break was amazing.

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I'm noticing as I get older, two things.

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One is I definitely appreciate breaks differently, probably much more.

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And two, it seems like as you get older, you realize that your priorities kind of change.

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Change and that whole idea

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of doing things that are fun and satisfying becomes more

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important or at least to me has become more important

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now I wouldn't say I had a big work-life balance issue I mean maybe I did I

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haven't thought much about this out loud but I will tell you that it's been

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super enjoyable to just kind of hang out and I've enjoyed that immensely seeing family and.

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You know, farting around. It's the weather's so weird in New Mexico this year

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that there was a surprising amount

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of bicycle riding that I didn't think would happen, but in fact did.

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So that was great news. I mean, that was amazing news.

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So that was fun as well. And now we're just going to, you know,

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zoom back into the pod and talk about some things and get some things covered

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and have a great adventure.

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So with that, why don't we kick into what we want to do?

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Because it's a good time to have that conversation.

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So let me start today and our discussion into the new year, because the whole

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theme of today is this launching into the new year, to 2025.

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And let me start by giving you a Voltaire quote, which sounds super like heady and intellectual.

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Like, I don't know how often you normally in conversations have Voltaire quotes,

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but probably not that often, like for me, hardly ever.

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But in this case, I think it works kind of beautifully.

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And it's going to be a pretty important theme for us this year,

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Because I kind of feel we're in a position where our conversations around how

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this new thrust into doing safety and reliability and resilience differently

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has become a much bigger conversation.

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And part of that is the most recent plane crash in South Korea.

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It looks like there's just a lot of systemic factors, which is always true.

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I mean, that's not the smartest thing I've ever said, but there's a lot of systemic

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factors in that that I think are worth thinking about and contemplating and

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are going to become more and more apparent as the investigation proceeds and we learn more.

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But this Voltaire quote is a pretty good kickoff point.

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And you've probably heard this a bunch of times before, but I don't know if

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you knew that Voltaire said this way in deep history. Right.

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And that is that perfect is the enemy of good. Perfect is the enemy of good.

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Now, when you hear that, and you hear that, that's the kind of thing that people

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pop off in meetings all the time.

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You know, that's how you sit in the corner of the meeting and kind of look brilliant

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is by saying stuff like that.

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But I think it really plays into a conversation that we've been having for the

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last 11 years on this podcast.

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And it's really around the notion of zero or the notion of perfection,

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that we will do this perfectly, that our safety programs will be perfect.

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The comment, someday we'll work ourselves out of a job, this notion that zero

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is the only goal morally and actually to have for an organization.

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And it's really weirdly controversial.

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I mean, you know that because we still have conversations about this all the time.

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And that companies really hold on to zero tightly and that holding on to zero

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is actually probably much more dangerous than it is beneficial.

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But that's a hard sell. I mean, you're not going to have that.

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You're not going to convince somebody of that right away. And I'm not sure our

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job is to convince people anyway.

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I mean, I think we're probably not salespeople.

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Not that there's anything wrong with salespeople, don't get me wrong,

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but our job is not to convince our organization to believe something differently.

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Our job over time, through many discussions and conversations.

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Through opportunities to teach and to show and to learn,

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is to actually help the organization mature to a new and different idea of what

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success looks like, which we've talked about a bunch.

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And you could make a case to me, well, isn't that the same thing?

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I mean, isn't that selling?

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I can't even talk. Isn't that selling or sales-y?

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That was a combination of both those things. Well, maybe, but I think one of

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the places to start with is the belief that somehow our systems are perfect

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and our people are fallible.

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And so if we could just align our people to be perfect with our perfect systems,

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then we would have absolute predictability and the world would be stable and

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nothing bad would ever happen.

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And that's simply not true. I mean, that's never true. It never will be true.

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You don't live in a world that even offers that as an opportunity.

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And yet this idea of perfection is really strong. song.

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And so what happens is if we build this sort of notion that we have to be perfect,

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then we don't value the good that happens along the way,

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which is kind of what Voltaire must have meant when he said this many, many years ago.

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And our challenge is to really value the good that's happening every day in our organizations.

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So when I first started this journey a long time ago, one of the places that

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we went really early from my organization was to Atlanta, Georgia,

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to a place called INPO, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations.

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And they had a building, seems to me, if I remember correctly,

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this was a long time ago, it was kind of at the edge of a mall parking lot,

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you know, like the same place where Olive Garden would be, but yet it was an office building.

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And when you walked in the office building, it was a pretty traditional-looking

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office building, except in the lobby of the office building was a sculpture,

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actually a stone carving that had the word perfection carved into it,

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except that it wasn't completely finished.

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It was like perfection, and the ION part wasn't quite done.

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And it was really interesting because it was one of the first things we looked at,

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and I thought it was a very brilliant way to show the need to continually improve

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and that we never will have a stone sculpture that says perfection in the lobby

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of our organization. That won't exist.

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We'll constantly be striving towards becoming better and better and better,

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which is the spirit of improvement.

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But to get there, we first must realize that perfection itself cannot,

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or maybe better to say, does not exist.

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Now, that idea is a really important idea.

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And when we talk about it, like right now when you're walking the dog or driving

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your truck or whatever you're doing

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right now, it's pretty easy to kind of conceptually think about that.

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But then when we look at the way we measure and the way we monitor and our espoused

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goals for what we want our organization to do and have, we get a little confused.

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Because if we set our standard at perfection, we're always going to be disappointed.

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And good is not going to appear good.

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So improvement is an incremental journey. We're constantly getting better little

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by little, paso y paso, bit by bit.

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That improvement is really what we want to foster.

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It's what we want to monitor. And it's how we want to think about moving forward.

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The idea that we'll somehow reach the goal, that perfection will be completely

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carved in stone and we will have done it, is probably more dangerous than good,

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which was Voltaire's point.

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Perfect is the enemy of good.

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And to think about that as a challenge for the new year, I think is a pretty

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important starting place for our discussions.

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And we have them a lot, a couple times a week. I mean, We're not afraid to have a discussion.

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But in order for us to do that successfully, one

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of the things we have to do is really think about the ability to monitor what's

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good in our organization or what's good in our lives or what's good in hanging

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out or what's good about vacation.

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And to think about improvement as a constant journey towards good,

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defaulting towards improvement. That's how I talk about it all the time.

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That when you're met as a leadership team with a decision and you have to determine

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what to do next, make that decision based upon this.

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Does this move us towards becoming better? Does this default us towards improvement?

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And when that answer becomes apparent, well, that's a really important way to

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think about getting better.

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2025 is going to be another year. Probably it's going to be filled with ups

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and downs, with good things and bad things.

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Our organizations will absolutely get better and get worse. They'll ebb and flow.

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That's inherent in the business we do.

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Organizations are constantly moving forward and then falling backwards.

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That's normal. The challenge is to incrementally understand that improvement

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happens one step at a time.

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Maybe not in a linear fashion. Maybe it doesn't follow a roadmap specifically,

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but we sort of move our organizations towards defaulting to getting better.

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And that challenge, I think, is what carries us through and allows us the ability to do our work.

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Good is excellent and should be monitored.

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Perfect is the enemy of good.

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So that's the pod for the kickoff for 2025 short and sweet but i kind of wanted

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to set the tone pretty early because the issue that i keep seeing coming back

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again and again is our organizations are really struggling with what the target

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should be because we've told them for years the target should be zero.

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In fact, we have posters and jackets and hats and signs and banners that all

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say target zero, zero, zero, baby.

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And one of the things I think we're going to have to really tackle is what does

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that look like if we don't use zero?

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What does good look like as opposed to what does perfect look like?

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And I think that conversation is probably the right conversation to be having.

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We've been on this journey a long time, and we've built a vocabulary. We've built awareness.

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We've built sort of this surprising, at least to me, this surprising sort of

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body of knowledge out there.

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And lots of great people are doing remarkable things.

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Man, we can name them. That's how cool it is. The challenge is that now what

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we have to do is help understand what that target looks like for our organizations.

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And we know that we live in an imperfect world with imperfect systems,

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imperfect processes, imperfect procedures.

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We also know that we're striving towards improvement. We're constantly and continuously improving.

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Good is really an important factor. And as our systems get better and better,

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we really have to adjust our sensitivity so that we have a new way to sense

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the vector towards improvement.

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And that vectoring is really the way I think about it. We're moving towards improvement.

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Our challenge this year is to really focus on the good and to really focus on

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what incremental improvement looks like, knowing full well that we'll move forward

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and move backwards. That's just normal.

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And understanding that the more we leverage improvement, the better we will become.

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So that's the pod, short and sweet. Not a very long one, but I want you to sort

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of think about what we have to talk about because there's so much going on in the world.

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And it's a good time to do the job you do right now.

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Learn something new every single day. Have as much fun as you possibly can.

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Be good to each other. Be kind to each other. Check in on one another.

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Have a great and prosperous new year, and for goodness sakes, be safe.

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