
PAPod 53 - Charles Major talks about Luminant's Journey to Operational Excellence

PreAccident Investigation Podcast

The Pre Accident Podcast is an ongoing discussion of Human Performance, Systems Safety, & Safety Culture.

Show Notes

Safety Podcast.  Safety Differently, Human Performance, Operational Excellence, 
Charles Major is the Manager of Operational Excellence at Luminant Power in Texas.  Luminant is the largest competitive power generation business in Texas. Our activities include plant and mining operations, wholesale marketing and trading, and development operations. Our legacy began with the first electricity service to brighten Texas homes and continues today in a strong relationship between our business, the people we serve and the families who have been part of our ranks for generations. With deep roots in communities across our state and a mission for innovation and leadership in the energy industry, we are intertwined in the history and committed to the future of Texas.
Charles talks about Luminant's journey.  This is a great podcast.  Thanks for listening.  Without you, nobody would listen.
This podcast is sponsored by ULWHS.  Find and thank them at ULworkplace.com

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